Sunday 18 November 2012

Its funny how some one you one knew everything about can look straight past you as if you were a complete stranger

In June Lisa and I finally ended our friendship. To this day I don't even know what happened. I think she is just one of those people who thinks she is better than me and I don't need people like that in my life. I don't see myself being better than somebody else and I don't see other people being better than me. We have so many good memories together that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Yes I am going to admit that I do miss her sometimes because she understood me however I have new people in my life like Jackson who understands me and what I have been through. On the other hand we just grew a part people saw us as sisters and our friendship turned out to be like a competition. At school she looks at me like I am a complete stranger, she doesn't even make eye contact with me. I guess we have just both moved on I just wish we could at least talk to each other in general conversation. I only have one regret from ending our friendship and that was loosing other friends in my life like Eve who chose not to be friends with me and just be friends with Lisa but that's another story xxxx

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