Tuesday 3 April 2012


Now that me and Lisa are not talking, I have taken some time to get closer to other people around me who I have always been good friends with but not really close. Emily and I have Been friends for around four years. I hadn't really realized it but she has never judged me in anyway at all and she always treats me with respect. She is an amazing person who doesn't deserve to be going through what she is and I love her to bits. Yes she may not be the most interesting person or the most social person but she loves me and truly excepts me for who I am the good and the bad sides. She has always been there for me even when I haven't completely been there for her. All that is about to change time for our friendship to reignite and time for me to help her out by helping her battle her social anxieties in life. I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you. You are gorgeous and don't let anybody tell you otherwise xo


  1. First of all, I love your blog (:
    & What you wrote is so true.
    Can't take those friends for granted...

    1. Haha Thankyou and keep those people close to you xx
