Sunday 1 April 2012

I love Kombi Vans they are amazing. You might find that weird haha. I get so excited when I see them when I see one around Newcastle and all my friends and family are always pointing them out to me. I would never own one, but when I turn eighteen I am going to hire one and go on a road trip with all of my friends. I am on my L's at the moment but I get my P's on the 19th of May. I am so excited because I won't have to catch buses anymore and I can drive anywhere. It gives me a lot more freedom :)


  1. Ahhh!! I love VW buses!! They are so amazing!! haha. I happened to stumble on your blog through some friends, it's pretty awesome!

    ~ Sarah

  2. Thankyou, your blog is really good as well. I think I might have a bit of an obsession with VW buses hahaha :)

  3. Haha they are pretty sick! I am obsessed with all older cars... they had such character... amazing! Haha. But above all I am in love with Muscle Cars.... Dang those cars are incredible!! Haha.
