Sunday 1 April 2012

A little about myself..

I have started year eleven in February this year. A lot has changed good and bad. The good part is I have met lots of new people from  all different places. The bad part is I am drifting away from two of the most important people in my life my best friend and another close friend. Both of these people are going through a hard time. My close friend Eve, went to boarding school, two hours away. I miss her so much and we talk all the time but its still not the same. She has been battling depression for many years and it is really difficult to deal with. I am always here for her and I love her so much and I don't know what I would do without her. My best friend Lisa, can't handle the added stress of school and the pressure of Eve's depression is affecting her in a negative way. There is a lot more to it but she doesn't want to tell me anything about what she is going through because she knows how it affects people. She told me that she needed some space and some time to sort out what she is going through. We haven't really spoken that much over the last few weeks but our families are going on holidays together next Tuesday the 10th. I am hoping that this will give us sometime to sort out everything because I really miss how close we used to be. I hope we can go back to being as close as we were, she told me we would, but there is just this thought and worry that we won't. I don't know what I would do without her because I love her so much and I worry about her. I started the year with a boyfriend but we recently split up. I was for the best I think we just weren't connecting on all levels. He was eighteen and he was in uni I am 16 still in school. When we were on holidays it was great because we could see each other all the time but when school and uni started again we never got to see each other. It turned into a texting relationship and when we did get to see each other we were too tired to do anything so we would just watch t.v. together. We went out like one night a week but I only got to see him then. It is the school holidays on Friday and I can't wait I need a break from school and people just to have some time to myself to sort some things out and take next term with a new more positive frame of mind.

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